It is unfortunate that you won’t be joining us in this journey, but we respect your decision. Your data is and always will be yours. According to privacy laws, you have the right to opt out of this and any data collections you wish.
Keep in mind that you will be missing out in all our fun events and giveaways. Also, once deleted the data cannot be ever recovered as per Canadian Government regulations.
So your record, if any exists, will be lost forever.
The data we keep is very simple: name, place of work and rating. This will never be disclosed or shared with anyone without your consent.
This data will be encrypted, so that not even us know who is where, or be able to influence anyone’s rating. It still remains People’s choice.
We think that the small amount of loss of privacy is well balanced by the possibilities and opportunities that we will develop. We don’t think its very different from a Yelp review (except here one can opt out) or a trip advisor mention.
So, if you still want to opt out, fill out this form and we’ll send you a confirmation of the deletion.
Thank you for visiting us, and we wish you the best in your endeavours.
Adrian Marquez, Founder, Sommelier