Someone wise once said that ‘You cannot manage what you don’t measure’. And how do you measure customer satisfaction?
Any way you slice it, operating a bar, restaurant, or cafe is very challenging

How do you know if customers had a good experience?
Simple: ask.
We ask everyday customers to share their experience in the quality of the service.
Just as you are doing already, but in a digital way.

Why is this important?
1. Frontline staff spends the most time with guests than anyone in the operation
2. The impression they leave is crucial for the establishment and even upselling and cross-selling opportunities.
3. What you can learn can be incredibly useful for management
What happens after customers participate and vote?
Great things for staff, customers and your company
Know for sure how is your team performing with customers. No more guesses, less politics at work.
We can get you better metrics and a more detailed map of the customer experience / touchpoints.
We reward customers and staff for participating.
Enable objective decisions for hiring, training or firing, with metrics to back them up.
The votes help staff and companies work better with each other.
+ Daily/weekly/monthly KPIs of guest satisfaction. Know your talent.
+ We setup a page for customers to vote for your enterprise (great for SEO and exposure)
+ Harness your staff interactions with customers to get better insights and engagement
+ Better experience = happier guests = returning guests = higher profits
+ We provide your staff & management with training material, social recognition and feedback.
No more surprises, no more waiting for google or yelp reviews ( IF they happen).
Industry poll: The cost of a bad experience?
100% say Impossible to quantify.

How is this different from other solutions ?
1. Like tripadvisor + linkedin for the staff (but reviews stay private);
2. Objective tripadvisor + HR management system for enterprises.
3 Customers rewarded for participation.
A win-win-win.
+ Daily/weekly/monthly KPIs of guest satisfaction. Know your talent.
+ We setup a page for customers to vote for your enterprise (great for SEO and exposure)
+ Harness your staff interactions with customers to get better insights and engagement
+ Better experience = happier guests = returning guests = higher profits
+ We provide your staff & management with training material, social recognition and feedback.
No more surprises, no more waiting for google or yelp reviews ( IF they happen).
Industry poll: The cost of a bad experience?
100% say Impossible to quantify.


Free basic features (email report)

Dashboard access for a monthly fee (depending on staff size, starting at $20/CAD per month)

FREE feedback and training resources for your staff
Curious? Want to learn more ? Get in touch, our team will get back to you ASAP